Estivel Garcia
For this post, I will talk about the story “In Darkness and Confusion”, William Jones and his wife and niece live in an apartment in the highest part of the building. It was the common life of African Americans who lived in the poorest neighborhoods of Harlem. The story focuses on William Jones who was depressed and suffering an emotional crisis because of his son’s absence. William fell proud of his son Sam for finishing high school and for working to save money for college, but it was wartime and he was drafted to the south. He was sent to a camp in Georgia. William wasn’t so worry about Sam being in the army, but he was worry because Sam was sent to the south. Everybody knows racism, discrimination and segregation was more intense there than any other place in United States. People didn’t like “niggers”. They don’t treat well black people. For me, I was more interested about the situation of Sam and William. Both of them represent one. Sam was making the road for success because education and hard work would save his life in a country dominated by white supremacy, and discrimination toward African Americans. But he was drafted to war; his dream was death as well as William’s soul. He was a father who hoped a change for his son. William was devastated. He was death symbolically and he represented Sam’s collapse. I ask myself, what is the meaning of fighting for nothing? African Americans were drafted to war, but it didn’t change discrimination against them, it didn’t change the fact that they were mistreated and segregated in the same army. It is a big contradiction that they were fighting in favor of the enemy (white). It was a war with not benefits. Black had limited rights. The war took his son away for becoming successful. It’s absurd!
For this post, I will talk about the story “In Darkness and Confusion”, William Jones and his wife and niece live in an apartment in the highest part of the building. It was the common life of African Americans who lived in the poorest neighborhoods of Harlem. The story focuses on William Jones who was depressed and suffering an emotional crisis because of his son’s absence. William fell proud of his son Sam for finishing high school and for working to save money for college, but it was wartime and he was drafted to the south. He was sent to a camp in Georgia. William wasn’t so worry about Sam being in the army, but he was worry because Sam was sent to the south. Everybody knows racism, discrimination and segregation was more intense there than any other place in United States. People didn’t like “niggers”. They don’t treat well black people. For me, I was more interested about the situation of Sam and William. Both of them represent one. Sam was making the road for success because education and hard work would save his life in a country dominated by white supremacy, and discrimination toward African Americans. But he was drafted to war; his dream was death as well as William’s soul. He was a father who hoped a change for his son. William was devastated. He was death symbolically and he represented Sam’s collapse. I ask myself, what is the meaning of fighting for nothing? African Americans were drafted to war, but it didn’t change discrimination against them, it didn’t change the fact that they were mistreated and segregated in the same army. It is a big contradiction that they were fighting in favor of the enemy (white). It was a war with not benefits. Black had limited rights. The war took his son away for becoming successful. It’s absurd!
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