Friday, February 3, 2012

Poem Little Scarlet... Post 5

Estivel Garcia

We have discussed a lot of themes in Little Scarlet’s book and Easy Rawlings investigation about Nola’s death, but one of the topics I was most interested was Harold’s guilt. The poem found by Rawlings (Page 152). It said….

“Dirty girls get much in their eye
They eat maggots and die
Break brains bad things bad things
They all die down in my pantry”

It was evident that Harold killed Nola. Each of these words represent Nola’s shot in the eye, “eat maggots” (white man) and the deathly strangulation (break brains). The police targeted a white man as responsible for Nola’s death, but ironically, during such race riot, during such period of violence between two races, the main responsible was a homeless black man, a poor African man from the streets who knows how to write a poem and kills people (especially black women) without suspicion. Harold seems to have an interesting background throughout his life because he’s not illiterate. In some way, Harold punishes black women for being around with whites. Black and whites were segregated, riots and violence were in people’s blood, and Harold was attacking the enemy (whites) by killing black women who becomes the lover of the people who discriminate them. But “revenge” is the word that describes the actions against his own community. As we discussed in class, I believe it’s very true that sexual attraction, touches and the union of two lovers from different races and skin color had the power for revolution.

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